caramelized onions — RECIPE ARCHIVE IV — Someone's In The Kitchen

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2210 Haines Avenue
Rapid City, SD, 57701
United States


Someone's In the Kitchen is an independent, gourmet kitchenware store in Rapid City, South Dakota. We are your shop for "all things kitchen". Enjoy a leisurely shopping experience in the world of kitchen and home.


Filtering by Tag: caramelized onions

A Good Time to Have Brunch In!

Lia Soneson


There is no better time than the present to brunch . . . IN! If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, brunch is the most fun! Brunch implies a leisurely sort of day — where our schedules are less relentless and time together is well spent. Whether you spend it with family or a few good friends, we've composed a foolproof menu worth celebrating.

IN THIS ISSUE, we feature a Caramelized Onion, Mushroom, and Parmesan Quiche, Macerated Citrus Salad, and a side of Orange Poppyseed Bread.