creamy tortellini — RECIPE ARCHIVE IV — Someone's In The Kitchen

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2210 Haines Avenue
Rapid City, SD, 57701
United States


Someone's In the Kitchen is an independent, gourmet kitchenware store in Rapid City, South Dakota. We are your shop for "all things kitchen". Enjoy a leisurely shopping experience in the world of kitchen and home.


Filtering by Tag: creamy tortellini

Oct 20, 2016 - Super Simple Supper Soups

Lia Soneson

SPECIAL Saturday! PLUS, Super Simple Soups for Supper!
Super Simple Soups for Supper
A good soup meets all the criteria for a quick and easy supper. It's nourishing, tasty, and a great way to boost nutrition by including local, seasonal vegetables.

IN THIS ISSUE, we renew our love of fall soups with a focus on filling and fulfilling recipes ready for any day of the week. A pot of soup cooks without too much tending, and is forgiving if dinner is late, or destined to be eaten in shifts. Pair a bowl of soup with a salad, a crust of bread, and maybe a glass of wine for a perfect cool weather supper.
Super Simple Soups for Supper
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Cooking Class
Fall Classes
buildBuild a Better Soup
Savory Aromatics
Quality Stock
Final Seasoning
recipeone Super Simple Soups for Supper
potInvest in a Good Soup Pot
recipetwo RECIPE: Curried Sweet Potato Ginger Soup
drToo Oily
Soup Doctor
recipethree RECIPE: Spicy Italian Sausage, White Bean & Kale Soup
garnishGarnishes Beyond Crackers
Super Simple Soups for Supper